DBR11 Cavansite
Wagholi, near Poonah, Maharashtra, India
8.2x 6.5x 3.9 cm

A nice cluster of cavansite crystals on matrix.

As an interesting side note, the quarry where cavansite is found is located in a huge complex containing several very large quarries.  Cavansite and pentagonite have only been found in any appreciable quantity in part of one of those quarries, even though all are located within approximately 2 square kilometers of land. 

In the early 90's, the cavansite producing quarry (known locally as the Dhood (Milk) Quarry) had not yet reached the cavansite bearing zone, so the few rare clusters that occurred commanded prices in the thousands of dollars.  But these days they are as abundant as ever, and prices are much lower

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Wagholi Quarry Complex, Near Poona, Maharashtra Prov., India 8
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Wagholi, near Poonah, Maharashtra, India
6.8x 3.4x 2.8 cm
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