Peru Update #1: Pyrite!

Last month, I spent a couple weeks down in Peru hunting mineral specimens. I was going to do a single massive update of my favorite pieces from this Peru trip, but I decided to split the initial update into two parts— pyrite, and mixed species. 

So pyrite. When it comes to more common species, you have to be especially selective. I bought thousands of pieces on this trip, and while there were a couple bulk lots included in that count, I actually took the time to pick through and individually select most of what I brought back.  From all those already selected pieces, these are my top 32 selections of pyrite. These were chosen for a number of reasons—whether for their size or for having great luster, a particularly beautiful arrangement or an aesthetic association, or just cleanliness or being especially sharp, these are not your average pyrites— and after having gone to Peru so many times, I am quite confident in my ability to select these!  I will be posting 2 more Peru updates in the comping days-- one of mixed minerals, and a second of inexpensive but very varied and crystallographically interesting pyrites from a stash that a local dealer had accumulated over a period of a couple years. This page has the show pieces, that final page will the have small cool ones. 

I apologize in advance for the red background-- many of these things are so reflective that the standard white or black leads to a lot of faces not showing up correctly in the images.  A common problem is that they reflect light away from the camera, and one ends up with areas looking black. I have found that red offers enough contrast from their natural color that when combined with white reflectors (or just the white sheets of paper you see sloppily left in some pictures) I can much more clearly convey their form! 

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P22P01 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
16.0x 14.9x 7.6 cm

A massive pyrite crystal, 14.9 cm (one mm short of 6 inches) across from point to point. The main crystal sits on a sort of pedestal formed by another crystal, and is angled it such a way that the full square face of the pyrite faces pleasantly toward the viewer.  On a custom base, this would be a very impressive display! Only minor edge abrasions on the display face. 

P22P02 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
11.0x 8.9x 4.6 cm

From a mine that probably hold the world record for the sheer tonnage of mineral specimens produced, there is this very unique thing! There is something very "architectural" or even "modern art-ish" about this piece.  It is not your standard cube, but rather a sort of heart-shaped group of rectagunlar prisms that are not alinged-- then there is a completely random crystal protruding from the bottom edge at a totally different angle, on a completely different plane. Some markings on the back where other crystals were once present, displays perfectly from the front.

P22P03 Pyrite with Quartz
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
8.0x 5.9x 4.1 cm

A exceptional pyrite specimen from Peru, I would say this thing is probably one in 10's of thousands.  To begin with, octahedrons are the least frequently encountered of the main pyrite habits at Huanzala, with pockets generally only encountered every couple years. Then, quartz associations have always been very rare here-- there were recently some more available thanks to a 2017 pocket, but it has always been a difficult thing to find from Huanzala.  The quartz adds a nice degree of contrast and separation between the pyrite crystals, making it somewhat different from the usual, tightly packed clusters.  Lastly, the luster is pretty good, and the pyrites are damage free!  All this combines to make a specimen that is seriously at least 1 out of tens of thousands-- and I would know, considering how much of this stuff I've seen over the years of traveling to Peru! 

P22P04 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
7.9x 6.1x 3.1 cm

A very sculptural specimen of octahedral pyrite crystals from the Huanzala Mine in Peru.  This is considered the rarest of the main habits from the mine (the others being dodecahedrons and cubes) with good pockets generally only encountered every couple years. This one has only minor abrasions, and is even complete on the back!

P22P05 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
7.0x 6.1x 5.0 cm

A great example of octahedral pyrite crystals from the Huanzala Mine in Peru.  This is considered the rarest of the main habits from the mine (the others being dodecahedrons and cubes) with good pockets generally only encountered every couple years. This one has a large main crystal nicely positioned on a cluster of smaller ones. 

P22P06 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
5.6x 3.9x 4.6 cm

A really clean and nice pyrite specimen from Huanzala.  This piece has a bit of a spire in the middle, with a larger, highly lustrous crystal perched at its tip and complete all around. Really sleek, really bright, really clean.  It also feel a little bigger than what you would think when you read the dimensions... I'm not sure quite how to explain it, but anyone who has bought online frequently probably understands what I mean (or the more annoying opposite effect).

P22P07 Pyrite with Calcite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
18.0x 13.0x 6.4 cm

A really large pyrite specimen from Huanzala, this is from a recent discovery that has associated calcite.  The crystal above the main one has an etched surface (see closeup) and there are some cracks running along the side (but it's stable.). I like to list all the deficiencies, but at the end of the day it's quite an impressive display (especially for this price!) and the pictures show exactly what you will get.  

P22P08 Pyrite with Apatite and Quartz
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
10.6x 9.8x 5.0 cm

A beautiful cabinet specimen from a new find, this one has a nicely isolated central crystal, as well as an apatite association. Usually, pyrite from this mine occurs as somewhat jumbled clusters of crystals. In this recent vein, there is a lot of microcrystalline quartz, so specimens found in this area tend to have crystals that are more pleasantly isolated.  There are small yellow apatite crystals scattered about the matrix as well, the largest near the bottom tip of the specimen. 

P22P09 Pyrite with Apatite and Quartz
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
5.2x 4.7x 4.0 cm

A great example of an exceptionally sharp pyrite crystal, with a "wig" of tiny yellow quartz crystals and a cluster of yellow apatite!  A great example from this recent discovery, and a great example of a rare Peruvian apatite.  Also a very rare combination specimen from a mine that has produced many, many tons of specimens!

P22P10 Pyrite with Galena
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
5.7x 5.0x 3.2 cm

A very nice combination specimen from a pocket discovered at least 5 years ago.  This piece consists of lustrous octahedrons, framed by rounded galenas around the edges and tips. 

P22P11 Pyrite with Galena
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
6.8x 5.4x 4.2 cm

A beautiful cluster of highly lustrous pyrite crystals, whose brassy metallic color contrasts nicely with the silvery metallic color of highly lustrous galena crystals on the display face. 

P22P12 Pyrite with Galena
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
6.2x 5.6x 5.1 cm

A beautiful cluster of highly lustrous pyrite crystals, whose brassy metallic color contrasts nicely with the silvery metallic color of highly lustrous galena crystals on the display face. Another online dealer is asking around 2200-2400 for near identical pieces. Are those 7-8 times better?  I don't think so. 

P22P13 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
9.5x 7.5x 4.1 cm

A beautiful plate of ultra lustrous octahedral pyrite crystals from a pocket discovered over 5 years ago.  Octahedrons, or "triangulos" as the local folks like to call them, are considered to be he rarest of the various pyrite habits from Huanzala, with good pockets generally discovered every several years. This one has especially bright luster, even but he usual standards of pyrite!

P22P14 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
9.5x 8.0x 5.4 cm

A beautiful cluster of ultra lustrous octahedral pyrite crystals from a pocket discovered over 5 years ago.  Octahedrons, or "triangulos" as the local folks like to call them, are considered to be he rarest of the various pyrite habits from Huanzala, with good pockets generally discovered every several years. This one does has some chips here and there. 

P22P15 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
8.9x 7.6x 6.3 cm

A very satisfyingly chunky pyrite crystal from Huanzala. 

P22P16 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
9.4x 7.3x 6.0 cm

A very satisfyingly chunky pyrite crystal from Huanzala. Dimensions are maximum, (not edges!)

P22P17 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
7.5x 6.2x 5.2 cm

A very sharp pyrite crystal from Huanzala-- contacted on the back. 

P22P18 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
5.9x 4.4x 4.1 cm

A very satisfyingly chunky pyrite crystal from Peru.  This one has some sphalerite around the base, with has the nice effect of giving it a sort of frame.  The crystal is an octhedron with cubic modifications. Displays from the front, contacted on the back. 

P22P19 Pyrite with Sphalerite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
4.5x 2.9x 3.4 cm

A very beautifully arranged cluster of octahedral pyrite crystals, framed by dark sphalerite.  Small chip on the tip.  

P22P20 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
6.0x 3.9x 3.0 cm

A beautiful cluster of ultra lustrous octahedral pyrite crystals from a pocket discovered over 5 years ago.  Octahedrons, or "triangulos" as the local folks like to call them, are considered to be he rarest of the various pyrite habits from Huanzala, with good pockets generally discovered every several years. Contacted on the back. 

P22P21 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
4.0x 4.0x 2.6 cm

A beautiful cluster of octahedral pyrite crystals from a pocket discovered over 5 years ago.  Octahedrons, or "triangulos" as the local folks like to call them, are considered to be he rarest of the various pyrite habits from Huanzala, with good pockets generally discovered every several years. This one just has a really nice arrangement, with multiple crystals playfully stacked on one another. 

P22P22 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
5.0x 4.8x 2.7 cm

A beautiful cluster featuring a lustrous octahedral pyrite crystals on a matrix of small pyrite crystals. You can even see the reflection of the matrix in the main crystal!  Octahedrons, or "triangulos" as the local folks like to call them, are considered to be he rarest of the various pyrite habits from Huanzala, with good pockets generally discovered every several years. 

P22P23 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
4.2x 3.5x 3.4 cm

A beautiful cluster of ultra sharp octahedral pyrite crystals from a pocket discovered over 5 years ago.  Octahedrons, or "triangulos" as the local folks like to call them, are considered to be he rarest of the various pyrite habits from Huanzala, with good pockets generally discovered every several years. Minor chips, but much bore visible in the magnification of the photographs!

P22P24 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
7.0x 5.9x 4.8 cm

A beautiful cluster of ultra lustrous octahedral pyrite crystals from a pocket discovered over 5 years ago.  Octahedrons, or "triangulos" as the local folks like to call them, are considered to be he rarest of the various pyrite habits from Huanzala, with good pockets generally discovered every several years. Contacted on the back. 

P22P25 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
4.5x 4.5x 4.2 cm

A beautiful cluster of ultra lustrous octahedral pyrite crystals from a pocket discovered over 5 years ago.  Octahedrons, or "triangulos" as the local folks like to call them, are considered to be he rarest of the various pyrite habits from Huanzala, with good pockets generally discovered every several years. 

P22P26 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
6.0x 5.0x 3.4 cm

A beautiful cluster of ultra lustrous octahedral pyrite crystals from a pocket discovered over 5 years ago.  Octahedrons, or "triangulos" as the local folks like to call them, are considered to be he rarest of the various pyrite habits from Huanzala, with good pockets generally discovered every several years. Contacted on the back. 

P22P27 Pyrite with Sphalerite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
4.8x 4.1x 3.8 cm

A beautiful cluster of ultra lustrous octahedral pyrite crystals from a pocket discovered over 5 years ago.  Octahedrons, or "triangulos" as the local folks like to call them, are considered to be he rarest of the various pyrite habits from Huanzala, with good pockets generally discovered every several years. Contacted on the back. 

P22P28 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
6.4x 5.7x 3.7 cm

A beautiful cluster of ultra lustrous octahedral pyrite crystals from a pocket discovered over 5 years ago.  Octahedrons, or "triangulos" as the local folks like to call them, are considered to be he rarest of the various pyrite habits from Huanzala, with good pockets generally discovered every several years. Minor chipping, ccontacted on the back. 

P22P29 Pyrite and Quartz
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
10.0x 7.5x 2.8 cm

A bright pyrite octahedron associated with quartz.  This is from the same pocket as specimen P22P03. but because of some chipping on the edge, the price is much lower. Still a very pretty display example that is a rare combination of features-- a quartz association and octahedral crystals!

P22P30 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
7.2x 6.2x 4.3 cm

A very weird specimen, and a sort of taste of what will be coming in the "crystallographically interesting pyrites update."  This one was a bit larger and ore expensive, so I chose to put it on this page.  I am not sure what the correct term would be for those srtange elongated crystals that make up the central portion of the specimen, but then there is an oddd sort of "staircase" of cubes rising out of the side of the piece... There is some chipping, but it's just so weird.....Etched back. 

P22P31 Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
6.4x 5.6x 4.3 cm

A cluster of pyrite octahedrons with an ultra bright luster, from a pocket discovered around 2017 or earlier. 

P22P32 Pyrite on Pyrite
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Prov., Peru
9.0x 7.7x 4.2 cm

A sharp pyrite octahedron, neatly isolated near the top of a long piece of matrix. It was kind of different from the usual clusters, so it made it into this update.  From pocket unearthed over 5  years ago. 

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